White Hawk Software provides serious high end protections. Our solutions are aimed at software producers. This post, while serious, is however aimed at individuals and families, with and without security background.

In the event of an emergency are you prepared? Know who to Call, where to Meet, what to Pack.
This is about the real world; nothing virtual or cyber.
The Internet is a powerful and useful tool, but in the same spirit that you shouldn’t drive without buckling your seat belt or ride a bike without a helmet, you shouldn’t go online without taking some basic precautions.
Avoid scams. Secure your computer. Protect kids online. Be smart online and more.
Looks Too Good To Be True.com
Every day consumers receive offers that just sound too good to be true. In the past, these offers came through the mail or by telephone. Now the con-artists and swindlers have found a new avenue to pitch their frauds — the Internet.
Stop. Think. Connect. Toolkit
The majority of cybercriminals are indiscriminate**; they target vulnerable computer systems regardless of whether the systems are part of a Fortune 500 company, a small business, or belong to a home user. Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility in which all have a role to play. This toolkit provides basic resources just for that.
(**In contrast: White Hawk Software addresses the much smaller, much more sophisticated, and possibly very discriminating segment of cyber criminals.)
Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)
The IC3 accepts online Internet crime complaints from either the actual victim or from a third party.
Useful and comprehensive advice about common security issues also for non-technical computer users.
“Cybersecurity Lab ” (Public Broadcasting Service, a television network )
Practice lab to take cybersecurity into your own hands. You’ll defend a company that is the target of increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks. Your task is to strengthen the cyber defenses and thwart the attackers by completing a series of cybersecurity challenges. You’ll crack passwords, craft code, and defeat malicious hackers.
Bruce Schneier is one of the most vocal but also most knowledgeable people in the cyber security arena.
CVE is a dictionary of publicly known information security vulnerabilities and exposures.
When you really need help…
InfraGard is a partnership between the FBI and the private sector. It is an association of persons who represent businesses, academic institutions, state and local law enforcement agencies, and other participants dedicated to sharing information and intelligence to prevent hostile acts against the U.S.
United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team
The big guns.
Cybersecurity at Homeland Security.
Our favorite company on serious tamper-proofing software when security really matters.