NEST-X86 Tutorial

This is a quick tutorial for the protection of a test program.

To run this tutorial you need Nest-X86 to do the protection.  (For example use the BETA release, free evaluation). Each tutorial contains a very simple C program which runs on a Windows 32 bit system.  (It also runs on a 64 bit system, only it will run in 32 bit mode.) You need a development environment to compile the example C programs.

For most these example programs:
Before using the Makefile it might need to be updated so that the protection-tool can be found.
You can do this in several ways:
–  Edit the call in the Makefile directly
–  Put the executable at the place it is assumed to be
–  Set an environment variable

set WHS_NESTX86_BINDIR=C:\whs_test0\bin
For the tutorial which belongs to the 5 bubblesort example programs, see the file

If your executable files disappear without (or with) warning, try disabling your virus checker and try again.