What if Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Sweden,… had WHS tamper-proofing technology?
Would the US be prevented from spying? We are not in the business of getting our military technology by copy-cat and espionage of our allies, I hope. They need to prevent their secrets from leaking, both to their and to our enemies. However, any others who spy on the above countries would have less success if WHS technology would be in place.
What if China had our tamper-proofing technology?
Would we be prevented from spying? Maybe. I doubt that puts us back a lot, I think our technology is ahead. It may put back some other countries. China may have slightly less motivation to speed up the arms race. Good for the Chinese people, good for us.
What if Russia had our tamper-proofing technology?
Would we be prevented from spying? Could be. A small price to pay for other countries spying on Russia having a harder job. Russia may have slightly less motivation to speed up the arms race. Good for the Russian people, good for us.
What if Iran, Iraq, ISIS…
I can’t see where that would cause real suffering for us, nor for anybody else, them included.
What if organized crime had our tamper-proofing technology?
We make code hard to reverse engineer, or to tamper with; we don’t make code easy to hide. (The bad guys depend strongly on hiding their stuff.)
What if the US would use our tamper-proofing technology?
Fewer secrets would be lost through reverse engineering. There would be less fear software sabotage. Our defense technology wouldn’t really be more potent, but it would last longer until it is outdated. Cyber-criminals would need to work harder on any software that has been protected with WHS technology. Less profit for cyber-criminals will certainly not cause more crime.
What if software producers, movie producers had our technologies to protect their copyrights? There could be more revenue where it belongs, and less revenue for stolen copies.